Welcome to Noe Valley Church in San Francisco | 10:30 AM, Sundays

Worship with Us

Inward Transformation

We believe in cultivating a spirituality that grounds us in the way of Jesus.

Life & Worship Together

Gathering on a regular basis for worship provides rhythm for life with God.

Outward Transformation

We follow the Holy Spirit, who always leads us toward greater love.

Join us in-person

10:30 am | Sundays
1021 Sanchez, SF

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10:30 am | Sundays
YouTube Channel

Find us

(415) 282-2317
1021 Sanchez St.
Noe Valley, San Francisco

Look well to the growing edge! All around us worlds are dying and new worlds are being born; all around us life is dying and life is being born. 

Howard Thurman